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History And Mission

The Commission on Presidential Debates: Ensuring Fair and Balanced Debates

History and Mission

Established in 1987, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is a nonpartisan organization established by the Democratic and Republican National Committees. Its mission is to sponsor and organize presidential and vice-presidential debates during general election campaigns.

Recent Debates

In the 2020 presidential election, the CPD hosted four general election debates, including the highly anticipated first debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The debates were widely watched and stirred significant public discourse.

Purpose and Impact

The CPD's primary purpose is to facilitate open and informative exchanges between presidential candidates. The debates allow candidates to present their views on critical issues, respond to opposing perspectives, and engage directly with voters. They have become an integral part of the electoral process, shaping public opinion and providing a platform for candidates to connect with the electorate.

Nonpartisan Approach

As a nonpartisan organization, the CPD strives to ensure fairness and impartiality in conducting the debates. It establishes clear guidelines for candidate participation, debate formats, and moderator selection to provide a level playing field for all candidates. This nonpartisan approach helps maintain public trust and confidence in the debates.


The Commission on Presidential Debates plays a vital role in ensuring transparent and informative presidential debates. By providing a platform for candidates to engage in civil discourse, the CPD contributes to a well-informed electorate and strengthens the democratic process. The organization's unwavering commitment to nonpartisanship and fairness has made it an essential institution in American politics.
