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Cruise Ship Illnesses Continue To Increase

Cruise Ship Illnesses Continue to Increase

Gastrointestinal Infections Spread Among Passengers

The Vessel Sanitation Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention assists the cruise ship industry to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases. Despite these efforts, outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness continue to occur on cruise ships.

Recent Outbreaks

In recent months, there have been several outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness on cruise ships. In one case, 95 of 2896 passengers and 7 of 1209 crew members reported becoming ill with gastrointestinal symptoms. In another case, 25 people on a cruise ship that landed in Dover were stricken with a contagious illness.

The CDC has recorded five outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness aboard cruise ships since the start of 2015. The majority of cruise ship infections involve respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.

Causes of Outbreaks

The causes of outbreaks on cruise ships can vary. However, some common factors that can contribute to the spread of infection include:

  • Close quarters
  • Shared facilities
  • Poor hygiene
  • Contaminated food or water

Prevention and Control

The CDC recommends several measures to prevent and control the spread of infection on cruise ships. These measures include:

  • Frequent handwashing
  • Disinfecting surfaces
  • Avoiding contact with sick people
  • Eating only cooked food
  • Drinking only bottled water


Outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness on cruise ships are a serious public health concern. The CDC is working with the cruise ship industry to prevent and control the spread of these infections. Passengers can also take steps to protect themselves from illness by following the CDC's recommendations.
